New Post for a New Month


Well, at least the cover’s sorted!

February has been and gone, and somehow, it didn’t take its time over it. I guess I am not a fan of February – it seems to be a month that is dark and unforgiving, wet and recalcitrant, as if its lack of days gives it the right to drag you into its unwelcome soul… or it could just be that I wasn’t a happy bunny for much of it this time round. That seems more likely.

Actually, I did mean to write a post during February but time just went on its way and I became bogged down in the rubbish that is work, eventually having to resort to drugs (24 pence-worth of Paracetamol) to function. I was stressed and that lowered my immune system that then allowed some bug some house-room that lowered my immune system and so on. The circle of microscopic-life.

But I don’t feel bad about this really. I am better now and I have given a gallic-type shrug to the problems at work and returned to the blogging keyboard. My “problems” don’t qualify to be called that, by any measure.

One thing I want to catch up on in March is my blog reading – I have neglected this recently and it is to my detriment. I do find WordPress hard to use when it comes to finding blogs about specific subjects, or indeed specific blogs, though.

The other thing I want to, nay MUST do, is finish Kirkenes Blue. An unfinished draft has been sat quietly on the hard drive for months now, awaiting endings and additional middle bits. My vast* experience of novel-writing and the publishing world tells me that just having the picture for the front cover is not, on its own, a guarantee of success, although we live in a world where Morrissey’s dull lifeless musings are published as a Penguin Classic, so maybe I am wrong.

I hope March finds you all ready to leap into the lightness of spring (or fall into the fruitful arms of autumn if you are on that side of the World) – another glass of Sauvignon and I’m set!



* Meaning “almost non-existent”.


Categories: Writing | Tags: , | 8 Comments

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8 thoughts on “New Post for a New Month

  1. Glad to hear you can shrug off the rubbish and place your attention where it needs to be – love the Gallic shrug! I am looking forward to autumn and a settling off from this hot humid weather that was our february – which also went by in a flash on this side of the globe!

    Liked by 1 person

    • There are times when you could power a light bulb off my shrugs – and an old-fashioned incandescent one at that! If Feb went by quickly for you too, it proves that time is universally, er, universal. Probably a good thing.


  2. Nice to see you back and hear you’re feeling better after having been bug ridden. No excuses for prevarication now.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your kind words! As for prevarication – well, how can I prevaricate when I have all these DVDs of Big Bang Theory to watch, two dogs to play with, chocolate to be eaten? It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it. Huge hugs to you!


  3. You must have been a very naughty boy for my RSS Feed Reader to cancel the navigation to your web page Mr Snail. Either that, or I need a new RSS Feed Reader STAT. We had 3 weeks of summer that has run off with autumn prematurely. The pineapple sage is flowering and the nerines are saying “HELLO ITS BLOODY WELL AUTUMN AGAIN!” Can’t complain from one who hates the heat. At least the garden is still green with very little watery input from moi over the ‘hot’ season. I think we are turning into Little Brittain to be honest…Bags I get to be Andy Pipkin. Hope you get that novel back into front and centre again. It’s so easy to relegate what you love, your passions, into the shadows to wait till you have that most elusive of butterflies ‘time’. Grab your laptop and get going. Life is too short for grey days and work and if we all got overly caught up in them our lives would flutter by. Moths of ‘meh’.


    • I deny all knowledge and insist that that RSS Feed Reader and I are good friends. Just good friends, no matter what it might say.
      3 weeks of summer then autumn sounds like what we have in the UK, every year. Life is too sort, as you say, although I do wonder – are the moths of ‘meh’ like the Knights that say ‘Ni’? I bet they are.
      The days are getting longer and I walk to work in daylight now so it feels as if the season is changing for the good. Hopefully novelly words will follow too!


      • The moths of ‘meh’ approach your clothing slowly…in a swaggering sort of ‘Hipster’ way, whilst they are heads down tapping away at their mothy equivalent of the latest greatest mobile phone…they arrive at their clothing destination…glance up briefly…take in your rugged assortment of undergarments and overgarments and shrug their little mothy shoulders and say ‘meh’…then flutter off to warmer and more fashion trending climes. Novelly words are like hot tea, bacon butties and good brewed coffee. They are like excellent lasagna and the very best buttery, moist, fruit studded cake you can find. They are precious and need to be cultured and indulged for the sake of your soul. I know that you know what I mean there :). Walking in the daylight? “LUXURY!”…”we used to DREAM of walking in the daylight. Why back then, we used to go to bed at 12 after eating a bucket of cold coal, our dogs would then wake us up half an hour before we went to bed to walk the streets in the cold and dark wearing nothing but a g-string and a pair of nylon socks and we would drop exhausted to the floor upon our return, only to be woken by the sardonic stares of our dog overlords demanding their breakfast be prepared”…you tell that to the kids of today…and they WON’T believe you! 😉

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